HTML - Naughty House [v0.2] [DrNaughty]

  1. 3.00 star(s)



    The game format is a time loop. You do a run, and you unlock a new ending. Those endings gives you a perk for starting the next run. This game is good, but definitely overshadowed by three similar games that do it better (Sexbot, Just One More Chance, and Transylvania)

    + There are walkthroughs provided by the game to help you unlock different endings
    + each run is relatively fast, and not grindy. Especially if you follow the walkthrough

    - There's very little depth in each run because there's no stats, you can't stack passives, there's no relationship building with love interests, and information gained from a previous run is only useful in a knowing what events have follow up events
    - endings are determined by making a very specific series of choices. It's not intuitive without a walkthrough. The run is not about building up a relationship with a specific girl, or about unlocking perks
    - unlike other time loop games, you're not accumulating advantages that make future runs easier or different. You can't use multiple perks unlocked from different endings. So it's just better to use the +1 turn perk run after run
    - there's no overarching story that make unlocking endings meaningful

    Game is mid. It lacks depth and is overshadowed by its competition. The sex is ok, but there's no character build up for the girls, no progression.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving this game it's first rating so people have an idea what to expect.

    This is the first build of the game, so in terms of content it is still pretty shallow, but it offers a very good amount of replayability even if it ends very quickly each time.

    There's multiple routes to take, multiple ways to fuck and multiple endings available. Honestly, it's straight-up fun as it currently is and I hope it expands into something great in the near future