Flash - Completed - Behind the Dune [v2.36.2] [David Balsamique]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    The text on this one is hilarious
    I'm a bit disappointed in myself for enjoying the art
    A little grindy and annoying, so you might have to borrow the guide from time to time. Great fun in a game though
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, great art

    I feel like plot is well done and the lore from the books is used well to tell a silly porn story, sometimes more clever than you'd expect.

    All in all, very recommended!!!!!!!!!!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game! It feels like a collection of multiple little games but all in one. which i think is interesting but kinda dumb. There is a ton of content, and a shitton of animations that are very smooth. I dont like how some of the animations/characters will have weird lines on their bodies.

    The milfs are hot as fuck as you can tell by the preview pics, and there are a tone of them too! All kinds of colours! I know there is a movie series called dune, and i have never seen it so i dont know if it is related. Very good game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I played this one several months back. I've given it some time to let my thoughts simmer.

    The short version is that the art is 5/5, some of the scenarios are really hot as well, but the gameplay is roughly a 2/5.

    I'm giving it a 4 because I think it's worthwhile albeit frustrating and dull.
    It's really hot though.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I am honest when i say this game would have been brilliant, had the usage of the same animation not been used over and over again for every scene. The story line is interesting, but build up isnt quite there.
    Also i am not fond of NTR stuff..
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    Yet to finish it, saving the game is tedious when you got one on the mouse and on your... yaknow..
    So when the game crashes multiple times without getting to save before, is infuriating.

    Loved the art style in it self. Loved the nipples. Loved the mature babes. Always love a good harem game.
    Could have been great, but strived to be below mediocre.


    (what i mean is, swinging is something i would rather choose than be pushed upon, which in turn, becomes NTR in my opinion)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, not very long but with some decent choices throughout. Artwork is also great, good mix of static and animated scenes, and a good variety of content. Love the feature at the end to be able to rewind to the final climactic moment to see what the other story ends are. Will be following the creator to see what else they have made and will make.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    "I just peed on my daughter with a good friend... It's a bit disturbing," said Stilgar, after watching his daughter be ass-raped by a young sandworm with little resistance. I quote this moment as it perfectly epitomizes the atmosphere this game establishes.

    Story/Writing: The story isn't the best. It's a Dune parody but everything occurs too quickly. By the time something happens, it's already over. The story also takes itself too seriously one moment then not seriously the next; the tonal whiplash is rough. Where the writing really falls apart is with the characters. They'll speak to you like you're a pariah one moment, then after two dialogue boxes they're worshiping you and fucking your brains out. One massive positive is that the "sex text" is executed perfectly. It's not too long, not too short, and actually enhances the scene.

    Hentai: It's pretty good. Keep in mind, this game is incredibly short. You can speedrun it and get a sub 4 minutes. That said, the quantity of scenes (that are not reused scenes) is more than what should be expected for a game this short. The quality of scenes is nice as well; it's arousing and stylistically unique for a h-game (it has well-made Western-style artwork). My issue with the porn is that for quite a few of the girls it reuses the same exact animation in order to make it appear as though there are more scenes than there actually are. I'm of the mind that it's better to exclude this type of content and to not tease additional girls instead of giving a wide variety of girls with half-assed scenes. The other issue with the hentai is that the sex pacing, similar to the story pacing, is horrific. I want to make a note of one gleaming positive that is heavily biased by my preferences: This game features not one, but two short haired girls. My god is it glorious, even though the one girl is one of the aforementioned half-assed scene girls.

    Gameplay: What gameplay? The management aspect is incredibly simple and has no significant grind or effort required, to the point where I question its inclusion. The "point and click" gameplay is also notably dead, with only a few uses here or there. As I said, "what gameplay." It's essentially just a visual novel with a bad story and some good porn.

    tl;dr: The hentai is better than what you should expect from a 2016 flash h-game. For note, you can (and should - that's right I'm judging you during a review on a hentai game forum) turn the scat off. The story is lacking and so is the gameplay, and since the gameplay is lacking the story needed to shine, which it doesn't. All things said, it's worth playing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent parody. Surprisingly faithful to the story, funny, and involves a bit of gameplay (which does border on grind, given the short game length overall).

    There's some neat things to discover, various endings, and the art is quality
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A lovely adaptation of the book. Weird kinks included so check first before playing.


    The story presents quite in a good way the whole of the first book


    By today standard the engine is outdated and I am surprise to see myself play a game in Flash in 2024. That being said, for the standards of 2016 I find the game quite good. At the level of animation the game is quite poor but that is a limitation of that period.

    I enjoyed the look of the girls and I like to see that the dev went accordingly with the books, more or less.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    horrendous game. the art is kinda cute but everything else sucks. there's one single animation that's just used for all the characters. the dialogue is non-existent and there is no build up. you meet chani and two text prompts later you're fucking her.

    it's like you asked a teenage boy to write a romance story. also, the game mechanics are trash. clicking around is boring. flash is also a huge turn-off.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best here, everyone should give it a try
    first time i played it, dune 1 didnt came out and i didnt knew it would be a think so i watched the David Lynch one and read the book.
    Pretty nice
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the only adult game that I regularly revisit. The artwork is fantastic, the Dune story is closer to the original than any other game I have played. I honestly wish this game wasn't "completed", because i would love more content.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Overhyped by the f95zone users definitely, The story is trying to take itself seriously, but the incest, betrayals, mind controlling voice, reviving dead people, and so on is far too absurd, The H-scenes are well animated, but they have no audio, literally the only audio you hear in the entire game is the music.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Good flash game, the assets may be a bit repetitive, the spice gameplay have unfortunate graphic glitchs, but overall it's a good game. Not a fan of every kink that were included.
    Lot of secret scenes to unlock if you are into that.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    * Same animation used for every single person.
    * Shitty UI with shitty ganeplay that makes you constantly guess and brute force with whatever you have in your hand.
    * Devs are cucks who hid the ntr until the second half of the game and no tag warnings whatsoever.

    * Story rushed and made to get done with, zero quality.
    Overall a shitty experience made for cucks and a shitty way to spoil yourself the whole dune story.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    This game is actually really high quality for a flash game, the art is really well done, the gameplay is interesting, and the girls are hot.

    It did crash sometimes for me, and voice-acting or more sounds other than just the music would be cool to have, but this is still not enough to lower the game from 5 stars in my opinion.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game for the size of it, I remember playing it ages ago with that great art-style humor and sexual content, great scenes and the story is small of course but still great, there are a couple of things you can do and while the game is linear there are some different endings and such , a must play flash title
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't rate this game 5 stars but it was a fun game. Thanks to the guide I avoided some scenes that probably would've been upsetting to watch. Lots of group content. Several orgy scenes where your girls are getting fucked by others so don't get attached. Fortunately, the author does little in the way of creating any real attachment to any of the characters. Despite that, the story is decent and has everything a good plotline should have. If you know how to play the game it goes by pretty quickly and you can finish it in a few hours easily. What took the longest for me was trial and error on certain pathways. I found out that
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    Other than some things that aren't for me, like watersports, shit, and forced orgies, the game was pretty fun. One of the endings is kind of you do all the work and win, but no reward for playing the game. That's the one where your father becomes emporer so just don't
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    I'm giving this game 4 out of 5 stars because it crashed on me a few times and was slow and laggy on several occasions. All in all short and fun game with some fetishes some people will like and others may want to avoid.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Kornwise

    This game has great art and a decent story line. It also has some gameplay but is that really why anyone is here? It's worth a playthrough. Balsamique has also made several updates since "finishing" the game which have improved it. I think that this is the best of this games so far.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential with the art style and the setting, but it's in desperate need of an editing pass to make everything gel together. It is a roughly cobbled together arrangement of story beats and sex scenes with no care for pacing or game feel. It's like all the correct ingredients for a cake just dumped on a plate and served to you. There is everything necessary for a good game here, it just requires someone who understands game design to come arrange it into a cohesive whole.